Unsere Teammitglieder Dr. Michael Schneider und Simon Möller haben zusammen mit Sven Leonhardt einen einleitenden Artikel für den Sammelband „Innovations and Challenges of the Energy Transition in smart City Districts“ geleistet:
PDF DownloadIn dem selben Sammelband hat Michael Schneider in Zusammenarbeit mit Erik Höhne, Carolin Alippi, Elisabeth Borne und Oliver Scharf einen Beitrag verfasst: „User Centered and Sustainable Local Mobility – A Participatory Approach in the Neighbourhood“.
Summary: With the neighbourhood concept developed in the ZED Lighthouse, the actors involved are not only trying to meet the growing demand for local mobility through a research mobility station with neighbourhood caretaker as well as age-appropriate e-scooters and autonomous boxes for e-scooters. Rather, this concept also opens up perspectives and offers all the necessary aids for older people to be able to live in their familiar neighbourhood – and thus also to keep the neighbourhood itself structurally stable. With the help of user-friendly and participatory technology devel-opment, those affected are involved in the creation of new (socio-)technical solutions. The blueprint from Zwickau-Marienthal creates new perspectives, especially for large housing estates with homogeneous age structures, to bind their residents to the neigh-bourhood in the long term and to keep the estates liveable and lively into old age.
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